Dr. M. Pitchaimani , M.Sc., M. Phil., Ph.D
Associate Professor and Head i/c
Specialization :
Mathematical Biology
Contacts :
Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics,
University of Madras,
Chennai 600005.
119, 2nd Street,
Shastri Colony,Chrompet,
Chennai- 600 044,
Phone: Off : +91-44-2533 3381, Mobile: +91 98427 86545, +91 99527 92396
E-Mail: mpitchaimani@unom.ac.in ,   mpitchaimani@yahoo.com
American Mathematical Society 0/81692/710799
- Several result published on Mathematical Biology field
- Some of my articles got a most downloadable article award of the particular years
Title |
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DST-SERC fast track scheme for young Scientist project on Aging Concept in Population Dynamics |
Duration |
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2005-2008 |
Funding Agency |
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Amount Sanctioned (in Lakhs.) |
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10 |
Title |
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Parameter Analysis in a Gompertz Stochastic Model for Tumor Growth |
Duration |
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2011-2014 |
Funding Agency |
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Amount Sanctioned (in Lakhs.) |
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10 |
- E.S. Lakshminarayanan and M. Pitchaimani. Unique Estimation of Mortality rates in Gompertz survival model Parameters Appl. Math. Lett. Vol 16, No. 2, 211-219 (2003).,
- E.S. Lakshminarayanan and M. Pitchaimani. On Existence of Gom- pertz Parameters and its Asymptotic Formulae for a Large Population. Appl. Math. Lett. Vol 17, No. 2, 173-180 (2004),
- E.S. Lakshminarayanan and M. Pitchaimani. A Note on Gompertz Survival Parameters: Estimation and Sensitivity. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Statistics,Eds., G. Arivarignan and A. Sundaram, MKU, pp: 143 - 146, (2003).,
- E.S. Lakshminarayanan and M. Pitchaimani. Existence of Critical Gompertz Parameter and Its Asymptotic Expression. Comp. and Math. with Appl. Vol 55,1302-1309, (2008).,
- E.S. Lakshminarayanan and M. Pitchaimani. Existence and Estimation of Negative Critical Gompertz Parameters. Comp. and Math. with Appl. Vol 55, 1686-1692, (2008).,
- M. Pitchaimani. Maximum Lifespan prediction from the Gompertz model and estimation of negative Gompertz parameter. Journal of Ap- plied Statistical Sciences (accepted for publications).,
- M. Pitchaimani. Estimation and Sensitivity of Gompertz parameter with mortality deceleration rate. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing. Vol. 18 No.1-2, 311-320 (2005).,
- M. Pitchaimani and Tim Eakin. Unique Estimation of Gompertz Pa- rameters with Mortality Deceleration Rate. Mathematical and Com- puter Modeling. Vol. 47, 104-114 (2008).,
- M. Pitchaimani and Tim Eakin. Existence and Estimation of Gompertz parameters with Mortality deceleration rate and their Asymptotic Formu- lae for a Large Population. Mathematical and Computer Modeling. Vol. 46, 1477-1486 (2007) .,
- M. Pitchaimani and Tim Eakin. Estimation and Sensitivity of Allom- etry Model Parameters. Int. J. Pure and Appl. Math. Vol. 38, 251-270 (2007).,
- M. Pitchaimani. Maximum Lifespan prediction from the Gompertz model. Int. J. Math. Game Theory and Algebra Vol. 17 No. 1/2 57-67,
- M. Pitchaimani. Gompertzian Model for Tumor Growth. Int. J. Pure and Appl. Math. Sci. (in press).,
- R. Asokan and M. Pitchaimani. Nonclassical Symmetries and Direct Similarity Analysis of a Nonlocal Gaseous Ignition Model. Int. J. Pure and Appl. Math. Vol.41, No.5,737-748(2007).,
- R. Asokan and M. Pitchaimani. Auto-B?acklund transformation, Lax pairs and Painleve property of ut + p(t)uux + q(t)uxxx + r(t)u = 0. Int.J. Math. Game Theory and Algebra (in press).,
- M. Pitchaimani. Uniqueness of allometry model parameters. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing. Vol. 28, 485-5000 (2008).,
- M. Pitchaimani. Existence of allometry model parameters and their asymptotic formulae for a large population. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing.DOI 10.1007/s12190-009-0348-0,
- M. Pitchaimani. Stability of frailty model parameters. Journal of Applied Mathematics ( in press).,
- Existence of a critical allometry model parameter and its asymptotic expression., M. Pitchaimani, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 41, No. 1-2, Springer, (2013), 133 – 152
- Homotopy perturbation method for solving a model for HIV-1 Infection., M. Pitchaimani, M. Divya, International journal of Mathematical Science, Vol 11, No. 3-4, (2012), 411-421
- Stability analysis for HIV-1 infection dynamics using the matrix Lambert W function., M. Pitchaimani, C. Monica, International journal of Mathematical Science,, Vol 11, No. 3-4, (2012), 411-421
- Introduction to Estimation of Survival Model Parameters., M. Pitchaimani, Mathematics Newsletter, 20(3), (2011), 33-44
- Stability analysis for HIV infection delay model with protease inhibitor., M. Pitchaimani, C. Monica and M.Divya, BioSystems, 114, (2013), 118-124
- Existence and Estimation of Negative critical allometry model parameter., M. Pitchaimani and R.Asokan,, Int.J. Emer.Sci and Engg, 1(11), (2013), 78-86
- Global stability analysis of HIV-1 infection model with three time delays., M. Pitchaimani, C. Monica, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 48(1-2), (2014), 293-319
- Unique Estimation of Solid Tumour Growth Gompertz Parameter and Its Sensitivity Behaviour., M. Pitchaimani, G. Somasundara Ori and Tim Eakin, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer, 4(8), (2014), 2603-2617
- Maximum life span predicitions using Gompertz tumour Growth Model., M. Pitchaimani, G. Somasundara Ori, IOSR. Journal of Mathematics, 10(6), (2014), 55-62
- Mathematical modeling of intra venous glucose tolerance test model with two discrete delays., M. Pitchaimani and P. Krishnapriya, C. Monica, Journal of Biological Systems, World Scientific, 23(4), (2015), 631-660
- Analysis of stability and Hopf bifurcation for HIV-1 dynamics with PI and three intracellular delays, C. Monica and M. Pitchaimani, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 27, (2016), 55-69
- Optimal control of mixed immunotherapy and chemotherapy of tumours with discrete delay, DOI 10.1007/s40435-015-0221-y., P. Krishnapriya and M. Pitchaimani, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Springer-Verlag, (2016)
- A new method for solving delay differential equations., M. Pitchaimani and P. Krishnapriya, National Conference on Mathematical Modelling, (2014), 136-142
- Sensitivity and Variational iteration method for solving tumour-immune system, M. Pitchaimani and P. Krishnapriya, Sacred Heart Journal of Science and Humanities, 6(2), (2015), 6-19
- Stability analysis for the model of HIV infection dynamics., M. Pitchaimani and M.Divya, Sacred Heart Journal of Science and Humanities, 6(2), (2015), 20-35
- Proceedings of the Eighteenth Ramanujan Symposium on Recent Trends in Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Modeling, M. Pitchaimani, (2014)(1-127)
Seminar / Conference / Workshop :
- National Seminar on Ageing, Organised by Dept of Sociology, MKU Madurai. Nov 25 - 26, 1999.
- National Conference on Emerging Frontiers of Mathematics: Theories and Applications", Organised by Jadavpur University, Calcutta. March 24 - 26, 2000.
- Seminar on Application of Mathematics and Statistics (SAMS-2001)" which was held at the School of Mathematics M.K. University during "March 15-16" - 2001.
- Seminar on current trends in Biostatistics" which was held at the School of Mathematics M.K. University during October-1,2003.
- UGC-DSA National Conference on Nonlinear waves and Diffusion" which hwas held at the School of Mathematics M.K. University during November12-13, 2003.
- Conference on Queues, Inventory, Reliability, Maintenance and Replacement which was held at the Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi. February 20-22, 2004.
- Recent Trends in Graph Theory" which was held at the School of Mathematics M.K. University, Madurai. March-5, 2004.
- I have attended one National summer school on Function of Matrix Argument and Theory of Special Functions" conducted by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Trivandrum on 29.05.2000 to 30.06.2000.
- workshop on Advanced Computer Methods for Statisti- cians conducted by School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai-21 on 13.02.2003 to 14.02.2003.
- a workshop on LATEX- a Mathematical Document preparation system conducted by Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, on March 24, 2003
- a workshop on UGC sponsored workshop cum user meeton "Applications of GIS" which was held at the Department of Futures Studies, M.K.University, during August 13-14,2003
- a workshop on Instructional Workshop on Matrix Ana- lytic Methods which was held at the Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi. February 19, 2004.
- I have attended Seventeeth Ramanujan Symposium on Mathematical Analysis and Applications, University of Madras, Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, October 29-31, 2012.
- I have organised Eighteenth Ramanujan Symposium on Recent Trends in Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Modeling, University of Madras, Ramanujan Institute For Advanced Study in Mathematics, September 25-27, 2013
- I have attended National Conference on Applied Stochastic Methods, Madurai Kamaraj University,Madurai 23-24, 2012.
- I have attended OneDay Workshop on Financial Mathematics, March 27, 2013.
- International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Stochastic Methods" which was held at the School of Mathematics, M. K. University, Madurai. December 15-19, 2008.
- I have attended on First International Conference in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. New Delhi, July 7, 2012.
Research Guidence
Ph.D Awarded
Ph.D Students
M.Phil Awarded
M.Phil Students